My next subject for Artists and Makers is Alysia Mazzella. It was pure joy to visit her studio and see the beeswax candle making process. Be sure to check out her website and instagram.
Alysia is an artisan candle maker based in New York and he sources fresh beeswax from beekeepers upstate. The heart of Alysia’s studio is a pot of 100% beeswax. This is where the magic happens. Where the sunstruck wax fills the air and time moves slowly.
Beeswax is an antimicrobial material that burns at a slower rate because of its inherent density. It provides a bright and soothing yellow light like the sun. Beeswax candles purify the air by absorbing or neutralizing airborne allergens.
Beeswax candles by Alysia Mazzella underlines candlelight as both sacred and ordinary.