Scavenger: Adventures in Treasure Hunting
“There comes a time in every rightly constructed boy’s life when he has a raging desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.”
-Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Riley grew up in rural eastern Washington. As a child he read Mark Twain’s stories of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn and decided he wanted to be like those mythical boys. He wanted a life full of treasure and adventure. In the series Scavenger: Adventures in Treasure Hunting, photographer Jenny Riffle follows Riley out on his hunts and photographs the objects he collects. Riffle explores the line between documentary and fantasy. She portrays Riley as an adventurous character driven by the thrill of the hunt and the possibility of what he will discover.
At home Riley arranges and displays all of his treasure. Accompanying 100 copies of the book Scavenger are a set of 15 stereograph cards and a portable viewer to allow the reader to experience Riley’s displays in 3D. Looking into the stereoscope, the reader is invited into Riley’s world of found treasures.
9 x 12 Inches
38 Color Photographs + 1 Illustration
68 Pages + Cover
PUR Bound
Zatara Press
ISBN: 978-09903321-3-8
Trade Edition: 500 Copies Total
Stereograph Sub-Version: 100 Copies Come With A Stereograph Card Set and Viewer - Purchase book with stereograph set HERE